Tired of
Online Dating?
Join Us for Dinner.

The table is set, the drinks are poured and we’re reserving a spot just for YOU!

Looking for help? Get in touch with us

Real People. Real Fun. Real Easy.

Our Philosophy is Simple: Meeting new people should be simple and fun… Table for Eight arranges compatible groups of four men and four women by age, lifestyle, mutual interests and background for an evening of great food and friendly conversation. You will meet other like-minded professionals for pressure-free outing at popular local restaurants. Each dinner you attend increases your odds offering the chance to meet 7 new people that spark new dating, social and dining experiences. The end result is always a great night out!

Since 1986 the Table for Eight personal introduction concept has been consistently voted ‘Best Way to Meet’ and described as “a refreshing and civilized alternative”. Table for Eight events are open to single professionals looking for dating dating opportunities. Our participants are attractive, social, active and educated; our staff screens for congeniality and appearance with photos and personal phone introduction with each member.

    for appearance, age, interests & preferences. 100% of members have a degree and 75% have an advanced degree.

  • 20s, 30s & 40s
    Dinner parties are arranged by age groups based on the age ranges you determine on your personal profile.

    With groups of 4 men & 4 women conversation is easy and there are no awkward follow-up calls or obligations..

    — everyone buys their own dinner.

    Just show up and have a great time!

    atmosphere to expand your social network. Make new personal, business and romantic connections.

    for Bostonians since 1986. Now celebrating 25 years of successful social introductions.

If You Are…

  • Frustrated and tired of countless hours of online dating
  • Wondering if there are any “good ones left”
  • Looking to meet relationship-minded people
  • Exploring avenues to meet more quality people
  • Interested in trying new and exciting restaurants

We can help!
For nearly 30 decades Table for Eight has been responsible for thousands of friendships and first dates, hundreds of success stories of long-term relationships, marriages and the start of many families…. Now is your turn to be one of them!

How It Works

Our experienced full-time staff does all of the work, simply show up and have a great time!

Discreet & Private

All of your personal information is strictly confidential and it will be up to you to share the details about yourself with your dining partners. The process for the dinner events is very “low key”. When you arrive at the restaurant, there will not be any signs, banners or table tents to make a spectacle of your experience so it feels like nothing more than a business dinner or a first time out with some new friends!

We’re reserving a spot just for YOU!

Table for Eight introduces arranges compatible groups of singles by age, lifestyle, education & professional level and background for an evening of great food and friendly conversation. Each dinner you attend increases your odds offering the chance to meet 7 new people that spark new dating, social and dining experiences that always makes a great night out. What are you waiting for? Make something happen today!

Join Now!

What Our Members Are Saying…

Thank you for the very nice mix of people you set up, I had a great time! I enjoyed meeting everyone at the table and hope to meet any, or all of them again at one of your future functions. It was one of the nicest evenings I have had in a long time. I can’t believe why any guy wouldn’t want do this! By the way, the whole group ended up going to a wine bar afterwards, I got home at midnight with a 5:00 am conference call the next day, it was worth it to give up a few hours of sleep!

Bob J.

Table for Eight came highly recommended by a friend. I attended two dinners and at the second one, I met Beth. We’ll be married in March. Table for Eight is the best introduction service ever conceived. Whether or not one meets someone they’d like to date or marry attending a dinner assures one an evening of engaging conversation and an enjoyable meal.

Bob K.

I was urged to join Table for Eight based on a newspaper article in the Detroit Free Press… Some hesitation was present, however I am very glad I joined. My initial reason for joining was to get out and meet new people, however, I had hopes that I could possibly meet a woman to date but figuring if nothing else I’ll make more contacts and have fun at the events. Well, something happened on the last arranged dinner….third time is the charm, Right?! Don’t ask me how or why, but something just clicked with this beautifully charming woman and we have been dating seriously since. This is what being really happy is all about! Cheers to you and your colleagues. Thanks for helping along the “Alignment of the Stars”!

Mark S.

Hello ladies! Just wanted to let you know it’s now officially official…as of last Wednesday, Mark and I are engaged! I don’t know if we’re the first Table for Eight Detroit engagement….but we couldn’t be happier, or more thankful that fate was on our side and we had the good fortune to meet through you all! Thanks again, and best wishes!

Mona B.

Regina, Megan and Toby, I just wanted to say that I had a great time at the golf outing. I was impressed with the way everything was so organized and how well the night went. When I arrived at the check-in point everyone had a smile on their face and was very friendly. I have to say that I met a lot of very nice people. I have tried to meet new people in the past with other organizations and Table for Eight is far more superior. When the night was over I said to myself, “I wish I would have found out about this place sooner.” I thank all of you and KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

Mike M.

Regina, Toby, and everyone else, I want to thank you for continuing to send me information regarding your upcoming events. I do appreciate it. I wanted to let you know that because of your dinner service I have met someone very special. Two weeks ago I got engaged. You know the woman as she was part of your program. Her name is Barbara and we are quite excited….So I thank you for your outstanding work and for the effort I know that it takes you to run your business. I recommend your service to all of my single friends.

Karl V.

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that thanks to Table for Eight, I met my future husband! Last November I was seated at a table where I met the most wonderful guy. Neither one of us had been to a Table for Eight event before so we didn’t know what to expect. After the dinner, we had drinks at 220 and the rest as they say, is history! Jon proposed to me Saturday, December 21st. We are getting married in January……We know that we were lucky to meet each other. I hope other people are as lucky with Table for Eight! Thanks for everything!

Michelle L.

I just went to my dinner in Novi last week. I wanted to thank you personally for your work in putting the dinner party together. The group really did have a great time and several of us have already begun to connect after the dinner. It was well worth the wait for such a nice table of people. I hope my next table will be as much fun!

Diane B.

I was very pleased with the choice of Joe Muer’s for dinner. The restaurant has a nice intimate feel, and is very conducive to conversation. Both the food and service were excellent. I enjoyed the company of the people at the table, and I surprisingly met a guy from my old high school who graduated 3 years after me, as well as made several new friends. Overall, I had a great time.

Dale K.

I just wanted to write and say that I very much enjoyed my first table for eight last night. We had a great time, and I look forward to more dinners! Cheers!

Will P.

Gifted, articulate, attractive and aware…these words describe many of the women who take part in Table for Eight activities. Table for Eight brings so many bright and interesting women to each of its events that one wonders where they’ve all been hiding!

Roger K.

Table for Eight is a great way to meet and converse with well-rounded, well-traveled, professional people in an unhurried, everyday atmosphere. Everything about last night was great. The food, the atmosphere, the people…all made for a fun evening. The attendees, men and women, were nice, educated and professional…just what I was looking for in a social club.

Ed B.

I had a really fabulous time at dinner with good food, good people and good conversation. I would definitely recommend it and do it again.

Heidi M.

I wanted to tell you that I had a great time last Friday night. I’m of the age that I have tried everything from personal ads, tried video dating, It’s Just Lunch and online dating, however I found this to be the best yet. You have a fantastic business and you do a wonderful job matching people. Thank you for such a nice evening with such pleasant conversation.

Gail W.

I am pleased to tell you that I met a very nice woman at the last Table for Eight in Brookline I attended. We have been going out regularly for the past couple of months and it is going along quite well. Thank you for your service, it is much appreciated.

Nick P.

The Table for Eight dinner in Cambridge was, in my opinion, a total success. It was a most relaxed and fun evening, probably because each one of us was genuinely interested in learning about each other. There was no tension and no competition and that’s probably why we did so much laughing. They were all very nice people and we all exchanged phone numbers and will probably get together again. Thank you for doing such a good job in matching personalities. Keep my name on your list of participants.

Sue A.

That was a wonderful meeting in Waltham on Sunday. All eight of us had a very good time, the food was excellent, and the restaurant gave us probably the best seating in their dining room. The people were very pleasant and interesting. I found one woman to be very attractive and very nice. I asked her out and she agreed, so we will be going dancing next weekend. Thank you very much.

Jim F.

Just wanted to let you know that I had a great time Friday night at the dinner in Waltham. I never would have thought having dinner with 7 strangers would be so fun! I feel like we’re all really good friends now, after spending only 3 1/2 hours together. And, who knows if any of us will keep in touch, but the experience was completely worthwhile, and I will recommend you to all my friends. Thanks for ‘hosting’.

Lori B.


MAY 2 

Rojo Mexican Bistro

Reservation Times:
7:00PM & 7:30PM

Restaurant Info


MAY 28 


Reservation Times:
7:00PM & 7:30PM

Restaurant Info


JUNE 11 


Reservation Times:
7:00PM & 7:30PM

Restaurant Info


JUNE 26 

Townhouse Detroit

Reservation Times:
7:00PM & 7:30PM

Restaurant Info